Diving Activities
Adventure Activities
All and all our scuba trip was good.
FYI for future reference Sand Dollar was okay. However you should be aware that they no longer serve breakfast, even though Sand Dollars website indicates they do. Also Capt Dons appears much nicer and I am very surprised Sand Dollar is more expensive than Capt Dons. Capt Dons is much more well kept, (drastically) has more activities Sand Dollar has none and serves 3 meals a day. Not sure why Sand Dollar is more??? Also our room was not quite as “waterfront” as I was lead to believe.
Also, Total Rental of Bonaire. Our truck was very old and highly rusted. No spare tire, a broken clutch, broken windshield wiper, no water for wipers, appeared unserviced, broken bumper, broken passenger side shock, broken tail light, broken rear cab hatch….and so on. Overall, it was not safe, where as all of the other rental vehicles we saw (Avis, Budget, Buddys) appeared much more well kept.
All and all, the total experience did not live up to our expectations. However the diving was good.